1. Tåg|Trains

    29 mars 2010 by Adam

    Min son har visat sig ha ett stort intresse för tåg. Här är några filmer som både han och jag uppskattar:

    My kid has become very fascinated in trains. Here are a few vids that both of us enjoy:

  2. Om pigavdrag

    14 mars 2010 by Adam

    Tittar just nu på en debatt mellan Wanja Lundby-Wedin och Jan Björklund i Agenda. Jannes enda argument verkar vara det gamla ”varför inte RUT-avdrag om man har ROT-avdrag”-argumentet.

    Han kanske inte har läst Lena Anderssons insiktsfulla kolumn ”Hemmets makt” i DN häromdagen.

  3. Boink! Dagens boktips: Necronomicon av Abdul Alhazred|Necronomicon?

    5 mars 2010 by Adam

    O'Reilly Necronomicon Abdul Alhazred O'r'lyeh Creative Commons

    Creative Commons License
    Necronomicon by Adam Boman is licensed under a Creative Commons Erkännande-Ickekommersiell-Inga bearbetningar 2.5 Sverige License.

  4. Found art: Robotron

    3 mars 2010 by Adam

    Das Erzeugnisprogramm Dezentrale Datentechnik


  5. Re: Den galne hattmakaren|Re: The Mad Hatter

    1 mars 2010 by Adam

    Tom Petty is the real Mad Hatter

  6. Trying to use www in WordPress MU

    15 februari 2010 by Adam

    For some strange and irritating reason, the developers of WordPress MU have decided that users of said product are not allowed to access their own web server using a web address beginning with www.

    Fortunaltely, the system is open source so this amazingly stupid setting can be deactivated (comment out a few lines in wpmu-settings.php). It’s just that you have to remeber this change when you update the software.

    Read more if this is of any interest to you:


    (And I don’t think it’s a bad idea to use URLs without www, it’s just that it’s not up to the developers of WPMU…)

  7. Thoughts on the iPad

    1 februari 2010 by Adam

    steam rollerLast week, Apple announced the long awaited iPad. I guess I was a bit disappointed that it turned out to be a big iPod instead of a small computer.

    I had naïvely been hoping for the iPad to be an open platform, but just like on the iPod/iPhone all applications have to go through the app store and be approved by Apple.

    Photo: Michal Zacharzewski

  8. We all stand together. Pom pom.

    31 januari 2010 by Adam

    Den här videon är skälet till att min första LP-skiva var av Paul McCartney…