18 december 2009 by AdamEtiketter: film, random junk | Comments (1)
Dystopian science fiction comics – call for submissions
16 december 2009 by AdamThe message below is great news.
I hope the series is a great success – there is really a need for good science fiction comics.
Mattias Elftorp is one of the few people that could actually pull it off.DYSTOPIA
From Wikipedia:
A dystopia is the often futuristic vision of a society in which
conditions of life are miserable and characterized by poverty,
oppression, war, violence, disease, pollution, nuclear fallout
and/or the abridgement of human rights, resulting in widespread
unhappiness, suffering, and other kinds of pain.
More: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DystopiaIn short, DYSTOPIA is a series of comic short stories about the dark
future that may be coming, or the one that is already here. These books
will contain science fiction, cyberpunk, horror, current political
subjects and other stories that fit into the concept.We want these stories to move their readers and we want them to matter. To
warn us and help us chose a better future for ourselves.SUBMISSIONS
We accept submissions from anyone who has something interesting to say on
the subject, after the following specifications:
-Each book can be one story (24 pgs max) or be done as a split, a flip
book between two artists if the stories are shorter.
-The format is 140x182mm.
-Both color and black & white is acceptable.
-DYSTOPIA will be made in two editions (Swedish and English). If you can’t
do both versions yourself, we can help you with the translation.
-Send digital material. Line art should be 1200dpi. Gray or color should
be at least 300dpi.
-.TIF is a good file format. .JPG is bad (don’t use if avoidable). If you
aren’t sure, ask us for advice.
-Questions, submissions or ideas for submissions to mattias @ elftorp .
com (delete the spaces).Unfortunately, we can’t pay anyone for their contributions at this stage.
Participants will get 5 copies for a full book and 3 copies each for a
split. Language optional.There are no deadlines. Simply send us stories and if we accept them we
will publish them as we go along, depending on our situation when it comes
to time and money.PUBLISHER
DYSTOPIA is a cooperation between Wormgod and the Swedish Comics
Association. Editor is Mattias Elftorp.http://www.wormgod.net
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=189666498883&ref=nfEtiketter: science fiction, serier|comics | Comments (0)
Klimatkrisens psykologi
7 december 2009 by AdamJag gick igenom en halvgammal tidning här hemma och läste Sverker Sörlins essä Dags för världen att gå från kunskap till handling.
Essän handlar om varför det är så svårt att faktiskt göra något åt klimathotet, trots att kunskapen om den ökade växthuseffekten är så etablerad och välkänd.
Jag slås av att det så ofta ska vara antingen individuella eller kollektiva lösningar. Det måste till både statliga och överstatliga regleringar och personliga ändringar av livsstil. Alltså både lagar, bränsleskatter, ransonering och mindre köttätande, bilkörande, utlandssemestrande osv.
Att det ska vara så svårt…
Etiketter: miljö|environment, politik|politics | Comments (0)